вторник, 21 декабря 2010 г.

Раньше это был блог для Алины Игоревны, а теперь, так как он не нужен, просто буду иногда писать....

Наконец таки я избавилась от лёгкой дрожи перед ним, теперь осталось только перестать волноваться, и всё будет отлично)))

Скоро каникулы, и это просто отлично. Сегодня занималась английским; словообразованием в библиотеке... Уже стало лучше...

Уроки до начала года накрылись медным тазом, мальчик уезжает, и теперь не с кем заниматься математикой... Но зато смогу сама заняться всеми своими недочётами и минусами....

Да, и не забыть бы найти статью о том, что будет 29 декабря... Какая-то толи конференция, то ли loeng, не помню))

понедельник, 22 марта 2010 г.

пятница, 12 марта 2010 г.


For me travelling is very interesting and exciting thing. But normal and full travelling requires a lot of money. And this isn't very good.
And now everyone in the World has opportunity to travel around all Europe. This is a youth rail ticket. Advartages of this travel are: you don't need a lot of money; you can see all Europe; you can travel with your friends or relatives, with big companies. But you will travel in very and very bad conditions.
If I have opportunity to buy this ticket, see all Europe, travel with my company. I would buy this rail ticket. Despite of bad conditions.

вторник, 9 февраля 2010 г.

Should cars be banned from the city-centers?

Should cars be banned from the city-centers?
In the 20th century people began pollute our environment and nature by million of manufactures and factories. But if we can close some of these manufactures, we never can stop using cars in our everyday live.
From every car through, for example, more, than 700 kilograms the carbon dioxide in year. And the car’s number grows and grows up! And now we have only one question: „How can we save our nature?“
One on the decisions of this problem is to bane cars from city-centers. It’s possible only in this way, when there are more public transport. In this way there are some good things. One of them is that the government will save money of using the public transport. And from this they will get some money. And, of course, the nature will be a little save.
In the other hand, this is very, very and very small step to save nature. Every person must understand this! And every person, who live, work or study in city-center must use public transport, what isn’t very comfortable.

понедельник, 25 января 2010 г.